July 18, 2009

Hard to believe that an entire year has already passed since THE DARK KNIGHT was released and subsequently took over the pop culture landscape. I guess time really does fly, or in this case, it glides on a memory cloth cape. I’m well aware that one year isn’t really that long of a time period, especially compared to BATMAN’s 20th anniversary last month, but it really doesn’t feel quite like a year has gone by despite the fact that we’re in the middle of another Batman-less summer movie season.
A large part of the reason why this anniversary came so fast is because TDK has really never left. It’s been in front of us (fans and the mainstream) for the majority of the past year via its phenomenal box office run, the Oscar buzz, the appearances on numerous lists of nominees from various critics and awards bodies, the January re-release in IMAX, the controversy over the Oscar snubs, all of Heath Ledger’s accolades including his Oscar victory, and even the hype for TDK’s debut on HBO. The mainstream fever over the film has only just started to fade over the past couple months.
For those of us who religiously followed the development of TDK from start to finish, the year after a Batman film can seem much shorter than the year leading up to a Batman film, as the eager anticipation for the film’s release that slowed time down to a perceived crawl disappears (to later be replaced by anticipation for the next Batman film -- that’s where you come in, Mr. Nolan…BANG!). In addition, the viral marketing, trailers, set reports, interviews, etc. provided all of us with vivid memories of the buildup to and release of the film. Of course it doesn’t feel like a year has passed when we can remember the first time we saw that image of Heath Ledger as The Joker (which was actually over two years ago) or our experience at whatever midnight screening we attended like it all happened yesterday.
My own personal TDK anniversary was actually this past Wednesday, July 15 since I was lucky enough to literally buy my way into one of the early viral screenings. During a brief nostalgia trip, I found myself still possessing very clear memories of being the first in line at the Universal City screening, about 10 hours ahead of show time. I can still feel the intense anticipation that had been building not only since BATMAN BEGINS, but since I last saw The Joker in a live-action film in B89.
I decided that there was no better way to commemorate this little anniversary than to watch the film yet again. It was my 30th viewing of the film and I know that because I’m a big enough nerd to have actually kept an accurate count. One year later and on the 30th viewing, THE DARK KNIGHT still takes me on the same emotional and visceral journey that it did the first time except it seems to actually be getting better with each screening. I don’t have an IMAX screen in my house, but I don’t need one. No matter how many times I’ve seen the film, I still feel that same “woosh” of emotion come over me when Commissioner Gordon delivers his speech and the words “THE DARK KNIGHT” appear on the end credits. I shake my head at how great that feeling is and how remarkable it is that it hasn’t gone away.
THE DARK KNIGHT, through its buildup, release, phenomenal run at the box office and on the awards circuit, and (obviously) the film itself, has been one of the true landmark experiences in my own Batman fandom. Actually, I’d have to say it’s been the peak of my long-time relationship with the Batman character and his world of story. As if being a great film that transcended its genre weren’t enough, TDK has been a unique, exciting, emotional experience on the screen and off of it in so many ways through so many avenues. For that, I am forever grateful to anyone and everyone who helped make this film a reality.
Happy first anniversary to THE DARK KNIGHT and to all those who made it what it has been and will continue to be.
Time glides.
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