February 12, 2009
OK, y’all can stop now.
I've got -- and read -- all the emails you BOF'ers sent me about this.
Thank you. I'm on the same page with 90% of y'all. BUT...
Included in those emails, I’ve also received requests from folks who wanted BOF to support a ridiculous “movement.”
What *ahem* “movement” pray tell? Well basically, that The Joker character should be retired “On Film” forever.
Please! Does anyone really think that BOF would support such an absurd petition?
Hey, I totally get the passion for what Heath gave us in TDK as The Joker, so I do see where such sentiment is coming from. But come on y'all! Get REAL here!
Look, I love, Love, LOVE the late Heath Ledger’s portrayal as The Joker as much or more than anyone. I never -- even though I was labeled a “Nolan ass-kisser” -- had an issue with the fact he wasn’t “permawhite” (What a crock of hilarious nonsense that was!) I think his turn as Mr. J is iconic and one for the ages. I’m proud as hell of all the accolades the man’s won so far and sure as hell don’t think he’s through (*cough* Oscar *cough*). But…
There IS a difference between The Joker and the actor that portrayed him in THE DARK KNIGHT…
And in BATMAN ‘89...
And in the BATMAN 60’s TV series.
Do I want to see The Joker -- as portrayed by Heath in TDK -- show up in the very next Bat-Flick?
Hell no...I’m unequivocally, 100% against that! (And it AIN’T happening anyway.)
Nonetheless, I love The Joker, he's an American icon, and he will show up “On Film” again in the future.
And he SHOULD.
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