A Dark Day for The Dark Knight
by Blair on Jan.22, 2009, under NEWS
Looks like I won’t be watching the Oscars this year.
Warner Bros. Pictures
Maybe fans should have seen it coming: The Dark Knight, after all, does not have a happy ending.
The genre-busting Batman movie, a critical and popular favorite that earned more money in Hollywood history than all but one movie and, up until today’s Oscar nominations, spent award season being lauded as one of the Industry’s top films, was denied a shot at the prize of prizes: Best Picture.
Also turned away: Dark Knight filmmaker Christopher Nolan, shut out of the directing and writing categories.
The Dark Knight did earn eight overall nominations, including one for the late Heath Ledger, but it didn’t earn the respect that its studio and at least one grassroots fan campaign sought.
It’s been a fun ride but it’s too bad it ended like this. What a bizarre and strange result for the academy. To select a film like “The Reader” which wasn’t even able to crack a %60 approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and most people didn’t even bother watching as a Best Picture nominee… Did not see that coming.
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